Forum for G phone does not appear to be moderated.

All TeamGPS Gphone related topics, issues and suggestions.

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Forum for G phone does not appear to be moderated.

Postby tampasailor on Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:05 am

Forum for G phone TEAMGPSFULL does not appear to be moderated.

Forum for G phone does not appear to be moderated. Appears that folks advertising crap here and getting away with it. Forum members should probably first be paid up TeamGPSfull members with code before they can post. Otherwise this is a totally useless forum which could be a valuable tool for the developer and the users. As a paid TeamGPSfull member with other paid team members I am very disappointed in this useless forum and see no reason to visit again and waste my time. Someone else will come along with a better app and take your business if you don't support properly. That is simply the way business is in this capitalist world. Three on our team paid for this but now we will look for something better.
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Joined: Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:26 am

Re: Forum for G phone does not appear to be moderated.

Postby tampasailor on Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:07 am

The moderator is not doing his job. To belong to this forum you should be a registered user of teamGPSfull and if not behaving appropriately then you can be removed. Then perhaps this forum will be of use to the paid users.
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Joined: Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:26 am

Re: Forum for G phone does not appear to be moderated.

Postby tampasailor on Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:55 pm

ugg25boot is obviously abusing this forum as most are rendering it useless. seems teamgps moderators do not have any interest in this so the business will go to another app supplier.
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Joined: Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:26 am

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